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Therapy Office

Areas of Expertise

The Integrative Approach

The Integrative approach uses different types of psychotherapeutic theories such as the Person-Centred Approach (PCA) which is non-directive; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which is directive;  Existential Therapy, which focuses on the person rather than the problem; and the Psychodynamic Approach, which explores the unconscious processes which create the output of a persons behaviour. 

Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

Do you feel like a dark cloud covers you most days and it's a challenge to motivate yourself?  Depression affects people in different ways and it can cause a wide variety of symptoms. The symptoms can vary and some of these symptoms can include, the loss of appetite, fatigue, an outburst of tears or anger, and the loss of self-care and personal hygiene.  


However low you are feeling now, please be assured that depression is treatable. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or if your doctor or a health professional has diagnosed you with depression, or if you are continuously anxious and distressed about various things and events, get in touch with me today for an initial assessment.  The first step is always the hardest, but hopefully, it turns out to be a helpful step towards a healthier and happier direction.

Bereavement Counselling

There aren't many things we can guarantee once we are born, except this one thing, which is that one day we will die. Nevertheless, the death of a loved one is an experience that impacts us in unique ways. For some, death is a friend, for others, death is a thief and an enemy, regardless of what death is to us in that particular time, grieving is unavoidable and can be expressed in many ways, from symptoms of fatigue to symptoms of depression.  These symptoms can be misdiagnosed by family and friends as being depression when it is in fact grief.  


Research has shown that there are stages to grief which we all encounter, yet the order of those stages is unique to each individual. Oftentimes, normalising our behaviour or experiences is the biggest step towards becoming unstuck as we learn to live with the death of loved ones, and being able to talk about our loss to someone who will listen empathically, can help to bring comfort.

Relationship Counselling

When one of our most important relationships begins to deteriorate, our health and happiness can also suffer. For many of us, our first instinct is to try and work through the problems alone, but it can be helpful to seek outside support, whether from close friends or family or even a professional like me. 


Our attachment style shapes how we think and how we feel in relationships and can affect the regulating of emotions in relationships causing a range of difficult scenario's due to communication breakdowns and misunderstandings. â€‹


You may even find that you notice a pattern in relationships where you often feel angry or anxious.  Research has identified that our early childhood experiences, shape how we perceive relationship dynamics. For example, If we have been raised never experiencing natural affection, it will be difficult for us to be affectionate in our adult relationships.


In a therapeutic relationship, we can work together to explore what your attachment style is, and together develop ways and strategies to create new ways of being, to support you in understanding and managing old and new relationships.     Get in touch today and let us see how I can help you.

My Approach
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